Spring flowers at the Parliament

The Parliament is hosting the exhibition "Spring Flowers" by visual artist Sergiu Galben. The paintings, created with oil on canvas, depict floral compositions featuring roses, tulips, chrysanthemums, and other spring-specific flowers. In addition to these, the artist has also included works that highlight femininity, IPN reports.

Sergiu Galben, the recipient of the 2024 National Award for his contribution to the visual arts, stated that this selection of paintings is a tribute to women on the occasion of International Women's Day.

"The exhibition aims to delight viewers and remind us that the season of nature’s rebirth has arrived," the painter mentioned.

Sergiu Galben has been a member of the Union of Plastic Artists of the Republic of Moldova since 1972. Around 20 of his paintings are part of the collection of the National Museum of Art of Moldova. Besides his artistic career, he was also a teacher for nearly 50 years at the "Alexei Sciusev" School of Fine Arts in Chisinau, where he mentored multiple generations of painters.

The "Spring Flowers" exhibition will be open to the public until the end of March.

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