Special working program for institutions managed by Government

As of next week, the employees of the central public administration, such as those of ministries and institutions managed by the Government, will work according to a special program. They will work between 7:30am and 4pm, with a lunch break between 12 noon and 12:30pm. This was decided by the National Extraordinary Commission for Public Health on May 15, IPN reports.

Under the ordinance, the managers of public entities are recommended to organize the activity depending of the specific features and needs and to allow the employees to work further from home if their presence in the office is not necessary for ensuring the functionality of the entity.

The administration of the Customs Service for some of the customs posts will agree shift-based working regimes longer than 12 hours by respecting the length of interruptions in work between shifts.

The National Extraordinary Commission for Public Health, which took over the powers of the Commission for Exceptional Situations, declared a public health emergency for the period between May 16 and June 30. The wearing of masks in public transport, in commercial and closed public areas and in other places became mandatory nationwide. The mask should cover both the mouth and nose. It is also mandatory to avoid crowdedness.

The infections with the novel coronavirus in Moldova now total 5,745. Of those infected, over 2,300 got cured. The death toll from COVID-19 stands at 204.

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