The spring-summer Parliamentary session was given an 8 by Parliament Speaker Marian Lupu. He told Info-Prim Neo that even though there is only one and a half month left until the Parliament's summer recess, further important bills are to be signed, and the laws passed up to now sum to sizeable package, both in quantity and quality.
“An average of 8, for sure, since it is better to be reserved rather than overestimate. There were some difficult moments as well. In this respect, I would mention the opposition’s boycott of the Parliament’s activity, which, on the one hand, didn’t affect the legislative process overall, but on the other hand, we cannot call such a situation normal”, said the Speaker.
Marian Lupu mentioned that in this session the Parliament will finish signing all the bills that were marked as high-priority. This week, another set of important bills is to be signed, such as the modification of the budget for the current year, and the fiscal policy package for the following year.
“As a general conclusion of our legislative work, I believe that even the number of bills processed up to now is rather ample quantity-wise and quality-wise. We have had several large, complex bills. I think we will meet the legislative deadline, at the end of June, just fine”, the Speaker stated.
Marian Lupu considers that on another line of work, namely the monitoring of legislative enforcement, flaws are still to be found. “I have proposed to the Parliamentary Committees the task of elaboration an audition plan on several subjects. The Laws we adopt are good, but we are also interested how they function, what are their effects. Starting with the next session we will put additional emphasis on the Parliament’s control over the Cabinet’s activity, and the enforcement of laws”, said Marian Lupu.
In terms of Parliamentary diplomacy, the Speaker considers that many actions had been taken. Moldovan delegations have participated in the most important international Parliamentary forums. “There is also the segment which covers interaction with the society. During this session, an important goal has been achieved: we and the National Council of NGOs have reached the last steps in elaborating a development strategy for the social sector, for 2012-2015, and also in the final stage are the amendments to the document regarding the collaboration concept between the Parliament and the society”, noted the Speaker.
Marian Lupu noted that with the election of the President, political stability has ensued, and the MPs can focus on their legislative task. With the opposition's comeback to Parliament, the activity will gain even more momentum.
The Parliament's spring-summer session was commenced on February 16. The Communist group boycotted the meetings of this session and returned to Parliament only on June 14.