Sovereignists call on citizens to join them. The movement aims to enter Parliament

The Sovereignists of Moldova Movement invites citizens to join the organization and "fight for the preservation of the Republic of Moldova as a state," announced movement member Igor Căldare during a press conference at IPN.

The movement aims to "awaken" support from the 60% of undecided voters. According to Igor Caldare, there is too little time to convince the 40% of voters who already have a favorite party.

The Sovereignists' goal for 2025 is to enter Parliament "in order to relaunch democracy and return decision-making power to the hands of the people".

At the same time, the Movement proposes amending Moldova’s legislation and Constitution through a referendum. "We propose reviewing the state's debts based on an audit, annulling everything that has been stolen and/or used for Moldova’s benefit, implementing lustration for citizens who have harmed the state, and introducing asymmetric criminal penalties for officials and state enterprise administrators," stated Igor Caldare.

The Sovereignists advocate for the annulment of international treaties that "harm the Republic of Moldova," including the Association Agreement with the EU, as well as for the restoration of friendly relations with the Russian Federation.

Additionally, the Sovereignists of Moldova plan to initiate a national referendum to amend Article 11 of the Constitution to prevent the misinterpretation of the country’s neutrality status.

Aurel Bucureanu, a member of the Movement, demands that Moldova’s security concept exclude the notion that Russia is not a friend of Moldova. During the conference, he questioned why the government is "dragging the country into war through referendums and constitutional changes".

Meanwhile, Victoria Petrov, another member of the Movement, shared that upon returning from abroad, she found that the Republic of Moldova "had changed for the worse." "The Moldovan language has been replaced with Romanian, children no longer learn history in school or who we truly are. I don’t want my grandchildren to grow up in a world where they lose their identity," said Victoria Petrov.

The Sovereignists’ team announced that an activity program for the Movement will be presented in the coming months, in a continuous, non-stop manner.

Note: IPN Agency grants the right of reply to individuals who believe they are affected by the news reports based on the statements made by the organizers of this press conference, including by facilitating the organization of another press conference under similar conditions.

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