Șor Party urges people to come to protest so as “to start new life”

Șor Party calls on the people to take part in a protest against the government’s actions, in order “to start a new life”, in front of the Prosecutor General’s Office starting at 4pm on Friday, IPN reports.

According to the party’s leader Ilan Șor, the call to take part in the protest was made in connection with the unprecedented attacks on party members and the disrespect for the citizens shown by the PAS government and Maia Sandu.

In a video posted on his Facebook page, Ilan Șor said the government takes revenge on the opposition by using the political cudgel - the Prosecutor General’s Office. Such a large number of political criminal cases has never been seen in the history of Moldovan justice.

“The citizens of the Republic of Moldova made a responsible choice: to live further in the chaos caused by the current government, to die from hunger and cold or to defend their interests, the own interests, not my interests or the interests of Șor Party or of those from the opposition. The choice belongs to you,” he stated.

Ilan Șor also said that the protesters will stay at the Prosecutor General’s Office until acting prosecutor general Dumitru Robu resigns. The protest will be continued in front of the Government Building, the Parliament Building and the Presidential Palace, where snap elections will be demanded.

On Thursday morning, searches were carried out at the head office of Șor Party and at the domiciles of a number of members of the party in a criminal case started over the illegal financing of the party. MP Marina Tauber was stripped of parliamentary immunity at the request of acting prosecutor general Dumitru Robu and was then arrested. Ilan Șor, who is not in Moldova, and other representatives of Șor Party accuse the government of taking political revenge and of intimidating and pressing the opposition. They consider the government resorts to such distasteful shows in order to hide their failures and to distract public opinion from the unprecedented price rises.

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