Solidarity March “Fara Frica” to be mounted in Chisinau May 21

The Information Center “Genderdoc-M”, which promotes the rights of the LGBT community, stages a Solidarity March called “Fara Frica” (“Without Fear”) at 12 midday on May 21.

In a news conference at IPN, Angela Frolov, “Genderdoc-M” Lobby and Advocacy Program Coordinator, called on the people who are afraid and on those who want to overcome fear to join in the event.

The column will set off from the intersection of the streets Bucuresti and Ismail. The marchers will go along Bucuresti St. The endpoint will be decided together with the police.

“We are open for dialogue. We want to melt this ice wall that exists between some groups in our society. We hope we will be heard and there will be no altercations during our march,” stated Angela Frolov.

A number of public figures, including producer Nata Albot, producer Ala Dontu and journalist Natalia Morari, announced their support for the March “Fara Frica” and will be present at the event.

Earlier today, May 18, “Genderdoc-M” staged an urban event entitled “Melting the discriminatory ice” within the campaign. The organizers brought an ice cube in the central square of Chisinau and left it there to melt, suggesting the overcoming of fear that is “frozen” inside everyone and the start of the dialogue between persons with different life stories and identities.

  • angela frolov despre apelul de participare la marsul fara frica.mp3
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