Socialist councilors set a condition for voting on the capital's 2025 budget

The Socialist Party faction in the Chisinau Municipal Council is requesting the general mayor and the MAN faction to initiate a real dialogue to approve the municipal budget for the current year. In a briefing, the socialist councilors reiterated that they would support the budget if compensations for socially vulnerable categories were included, IPN reports.

The vice president of the socialist councilors, Alexandr Odintov, called for political maturity and invited the mayor and the MAN faction to a dialogue. The only condition, he specified, is that "the budget must include heating compensations for socially vulnerable categories".

The socialist representative in the CMC criticized the fact that, for the second consecutive year, Chisinau has been operating on a provisional budget, which, in his view, opens the door to potential abuses.

The Chisinau municipal budget is not a tool for blackmail, stated the secretary of the PSRM faction in the CMC, Ala Ursu-Antoci. "Chisinau residents need a budget, social projects, and compensations," added Antoci, urging the mayor to return to negotiations to approve the budget.

The general mayor's advisor, Natalia Ixari, stated that the municipal budget had been prepared, debated, and consulted with all decision-makers and had already been presented to the CMC according to the law. However, "the two factions, PAS and PSRM, boycotted the session at that time." She added that "the executive will soon announce another CMC session and, as before, will approach it constructively".

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