Social and medical assistance for former illegally detained prisoner in Tiraspol, Mihail Ermurachi

Mihail Ermurachi, a resident of Tiraspol and a former illegal detainee of the Transnistrian security structures, may receive social benefits and medical assistance. The matter was discussed during a meeting between Mihail Ermurachi and Deputy Prime Minister for Reintegration, Oleg Serebrian, IPN reports.

According to the Bureau for Reintegration Policies, the parties discussed support measures that could be provided to Mihail Ermurachi, specifically social benefits and medical assistance, given the deterioration of his health due to the dire conditions of his illegal detention in the Transnistrian region.

Mihail Ermurachi was detained for approximately 2 years and 2 months for alleged "acts of extremism," which were, in reality, mere criticisms directed at the so-called local leaders. The Bureau for Reintegration Policies stated that his case had been continuously monitored, and efforts were made to restore his rights and freedoms.

The Bureau for Reintegration Policies emphasized that Mihail Ermurachi’s release on February 19, 2025, was made possible thanks to the joint efforts of the authorities in Chișinău, the Ombudsman, civil society, and the country’s international partners.

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