Slusari: Drăguţanu shifting responsibility in bank fraud case

The former National Bank governor Dorin Drăguţanu is passing the buck onto the Government for what happened in 2014 when roughly $1B vanished from the Moldovan banking system. This was stated by Alexandru Slusari, chair of the parliamentary inquiry commission investigating the bank fraud, following hearings on Tuesday.

According to Slusari, Drăguţanu told the commission that the central bank did everything it could given the limited instruments available for managing the crisis.

“He had an explanation for everything he did. That’s fine. But how come we ended up with that one billion dollar hole? Too bad he didn’t have the instruments,” commented Slusari on the former NBM governor’s testimony. The ACUM lawmaker considers that what Drăguţanu could have actually done was to tell the Government that the additional issue of shares was not such a good idea.

Ema Tăbârţă, the ex-vice governor, was also subpoenaed to appear before the Commission on Tuesday, but was a no-show for apparent health reasons.

Former finance minister Anatol Arapu, ex-minister of economy Andrian Candu and ex-PM Iurie Leancă have been scheduled to testify on Thursday.

Slusari said the Commission was also considering the opportunity of quizzing former officials currently in detention. 

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