Sergiu Mocanu: Kroll’s report will not be published, but there will be allowed leaks

The report concerning the taking out of US$1 billion out of Moldova, produced by the independent audit company Kroll, is incomplete because this is how the National Bank of Moldova, which asked for an audit, wants it to be, the head of the People’s Movement “Antimafie” Sergiu Mocanu said in a news conference at IPN. According to the politician, this incomplete report will anyway not be published, but there will be allowed leaks aimed at manipulating society.

Sergiu Mocanu said the disappearance of money from the country is the result of an ‘accident’ following the laundering of money coming from transfrontier crimes through Moldovan banks. Moldova found itself in the situation of the owner of a small pond, who, when being asked by the owner of a larger pond to allow the water from his pond to pour through the pond of the first, thinks about the fish that he will obtain when the foreign water comes. But the flood washed away his fish as well. It happened the same in the case of Banca de Economii as the money from this bank was taken out of the country together with the laundered money.

According to the head of the People’s Movement “Antimafie”, the scheme was planned by the first deputy chairman of the Democratic Party Vlad Plahotniuc, who convinced the chairman of the Liberal Democratic Party Vlad Filat to take part in the theft by blackmailing him. Afterward, there were involved former Prime Minister Iurie Leanca, President Nicolae Timofti and president of the National Bank Dorin Dragutanu, who signed the documents needed for Banca de Economii to lend money to Banca Sociala and Unibank. Thus, Banca de Economii released loans from money that it didn’t have, using clients’ deposits, and this money was later taken out of the country. Only after this did the Government sign a special order to give almost 10 billion lei to the three banks to fill the gap that appeared in the financial system.

Sergiu Mocanu said that Iurie Leanca invited Kroll to investigate this situation because he feared he would be the only one to be held accountable for the theft. The company’s report does not include the entire information collected during the investigation as otherwise Vlad Plahotniuc and Vlad Filat would have to deal with the foreign beneficiaries interested in laundering money through Moldova, but who do not want to become known.

Sergiu Mocanu noted he will publish a detailed description of the scheme implemented in Moldova so that this information reaches the country’s development partners.

  • sergiu mocanu spune de ce nu se face public raportul.mp3
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