“Not a liberal wing, but two feathers flew from the Moldova Noastra Alliance,” the AMN leader Serafim Urecheanu said, commenting on the defection of the former vice presidents Veaceslav Untila and Iurie Colesnic from the party. Urecheanu stressed they aim to strengthen the party's position on the political arena, Info-Prim Neo reports.
In a news conference held jointly with the first vice president of the party Victor Osipov, Serafim Urecheanu said the AMN was not shaken by the withdrawal of several members, who announced recently they joined the European Action Movement (MAE).
“The AMN is a combative party. Those who hinder the administration of the party in its work should leave. If the first vice president said in Drochia on Saturday (before the Congress of the AMN of December 12, 2009 – e.n.) that he did not feel he belonged to the party after 2005, he cannot remain in this party and it is good that he left,” Urecheanu said.
The leader of the AMN wants to believe that the withdrawal of the former members of the party was not orchestrated. “Inside the Alliance for European Integration, we agreed that we will not cause dissensions in our parties. I do not think that the two 'Liberal feathers' were guided by someone. If so, the truth will come out,” he said.
AMN vice president Victor Osipov said the party counts not on Untila and Colesnic, but on its representatives in the Parliament. He does not rule out that the possible investors in the MAE recruited Veaceslav Unitla and Iurie Colesnic for them to represent the party in Parliament.
The disagreements indie the AMN started at the party's eighth Congress of December 12, 2009, when a part of the delegates left the assembly hall in protest against the reelection of Serafim Urecheanu as president of the AMN.
Urecheanu said the modernization and reformation of the party will be raised at the first meeting of the National Political Council, which was reorganized after the AMN's Congress. The meeting was set for January 23.