Separation of Bessarabians from Romania is an actual consequence of WW2 historians say

One of the most actual consequences of the World War II is the fact that Bessarabians are separated from the Romanian nation. Moldova exists as a separate state which is apparently unviable, especially in the context of the deplorable situation in the domain of human rights protection. This is the opinion of the university professor Dr. Anatol Petrencu. The consequences of the WWII represented the topic of a scientific symposium, held on Friday, October 5, on the occasion of the 60th anniversary of the conclusion of the peace treaties which marked the end of the war. University professor Dr. Gheorghe Buzatu from the “Ovidius” University in Constanta, Romania, considers that the wrongs of the Second World War, including Bessarabia’s parting from Romania, could be repaired once Europe is rearranged within its continental limits between Atlantic Ocean and Ural. Despite the efforts of the major powers, peace hasn’t been obtained: WW2 has been followed by the Cold War, and after 1990 the world is still divided. Some historians call it a war of chaos, happening on a planet which is floating towards objectives which are hard to foresee and that the peace expected by peoples hasn’t been reached yet, Gheorghe Buzatu asserts. According to Anatol Petrencu, WWII started as a consequence of a treaty signed between the Nazi Germany and the USSR, by which the two powers shared the Eastern Europe. In 1940, USSR took away from Romania not only Bessarabia as it had been stipulated in the secrete protocol to the treaty, but also the north of Bucovina, Herza region and several islands in the region at the mouth of the Danube River. In 1941, Romania entered the war in order to regain its lost territories, but, during the conflict, USSR obtained the recognition of the borders by the mighty powers. In 1944, Romania left the war, and on February10, 1947 it signed the Paris Peace Treaty, as a defeated state.

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