SEPA: faster and cheaper euro transfers

With Moldova’s accession to SEPA, euro transfers will become faster and cheaper, eliminating the high fees associated with traditional international payments. This means that a person abroad will be able to send money to Moldova at lower costs and with shorter processing times, IPN reports.

The National Bank of Moldova (BNM) explains that currently, a Moldovan citizen receiving a transfer of €500 or €1,000 has to pay a fee of €20-25. After joining SEPA, this fee could be as low as €1 or even €0.50. For larger sums, such as transfers over €70,000, the current fee is €210, but after SEPA accession, it could drop to just €2.

According to BNM, joining SEPA will provide easier access to the European market for companies and investors. It will also enhance Moldova’s economic attractiveness by integrating it into the European financial system.

SEPA enables the receipt of euro payments from any SEPA country at lower costs and without hidden international fees. This facilitates easier access to customers within the SEPA zone and simplifies cash flow management.

Additionally, under SEPA, salaries paid in euros by European companies will arrive faster and with minimal fees, ensuring more efficient international payment management for employees.

Regarding the economic impact of SEPA accession, the National Bank estimates that Moldova will save approximately €12 million annually in the initial stage and up to €20 million in the medium term - funds that will remain in the national economy and support business development.

On January 30, 2024, the Governor of the National Bank of Moldova, Anca Dragu, signed Moldova’s application to join the Single Euro Payments Area (SEPA). On March 6, 2025, in Brussels, the decision to accept Moldova into SEPA was officially announced.

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