Second “Fish Festival” to take place in Nimoreni

The fish amateurs are expected to the second “Fish Festival” that will be held in Nimoreni village of Ialoveni district on June 4. The amateurs will be able to taste fish dishes prepared at the scene according to traditional recipes and to purchase fresh fish caught in local ponds.

According to a press release of the organizers, quoted by IPN, the event is aimed at promoting fish consumption given that fish is one of the healthiest foods and the local values and specific features related to traditional agronomy.

The program of the festival includes an exhibition of varied fish dishes, such as fish soup, grill fish, fried fish with maize porridge and garlic sauce and fried fish with vegetables, handicrafts and thematic workshops, interactive contests with prizes, a football match, a draw, music and recreational activities.

The event is organized by the public association “Center for Community Development in Rural Areas”. The ethnic-gastronomical event will take place at the local stadium starting at 10am.

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