Searches carried out at Penitentiary No.15

Searches are conducted in all the sectors of Penitentiary No. 15 Cricova on February 24. The Prosecutor’s Office for Organized Crime and Special Cases said these are investigative measures in the case concerning abuse of power in the interests of a criminal organization in which one of the deputy heads of the National Administration of Penitentiaries was recently arrested, IPN reports.

The operation is carried out with the assistance of the Special Detachment “Pantera” of the National Administration of Penitentiaries and the National Investigation Inspectorate, while the Special Police Brigade “Fulger” is ensuing security outside Penitentiary No. 15.

The vice director of the National Administration of Penitentiaries was arrested on February 15 in a case that features 12 persons who are suspected of committing credit card frauds. According to the police, two of the suspects, who are presumably the organizers, are serving time in jail, while another suspect holds an administrative post in a national penitentiary.

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