Scores saved from fire at National Philharmonic to be digitized

Employees of the National Library are airing and drying the scores saved from the fire that destroyed the National Library “Sergei Lunkevich” a week ago. With the assistance of technologies, the collection of documents of the Philharmonic’s library will be digitized, National Library director Elena Pintilei informed the administration of the Ministry of Education, Culture and Research that paid a visit to the Library, IPN reports.

Elena Pintilei said the artists will be provided with the scores and also with musical publications available in the collections of the National Library.

The director of the National Philharmonic Svetlana Bivol said that she contacted mates from Romania, who expressed their readiness to offer copies of scores available in their libraries. Also, the National Symphonic Orchestra of the national public broadcaster “Teleradio-Moldova” managed by Gheorghe Mustea and the Organ Hall will contribute to restoring the collection of documents of the National Philharmonic’s library.

Founded in 1930, the library of the National PhilharmonicSergey Lunkevich” included tens of thousands of orchestral materials.

The Ministry of Finance opened a bank account for collecting donations for reconstructing the National Philharmonic.

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