Sandu: we keep the pipeline open for Russian gas destined for the Transnistrian Region

President Maia Sandu stated that natural gas from Gazprom is not free, as some claim, but its cost is felt sooner or later. This price is paid by both those on the right bank and the left bank of the Nistru River. The head of state said that if the Russian company resumes supply, Chisinau will allow the gas to reach the Transnistrian region, IPN reports.

In a press conference, the president emphasized that there is no energy crisis on the left bank of the Nistru because alternative routes exist through which Gazprom can deliver natural gas, as has happened in other countries that also received Russian gas via Ukraine.

“Currently, some of them are receiving the same gas from Gazprom through other routes. So, this option exists. Gazprom, or rather the Kremlin, chose not to fulfill its contractual obligations”, stated the head of state.

In her view, the only goal is to create dissatisfaction on both the left and right banks of the Nistru to some extent and, as usual, to use energy as a destabilizing element.

“We keep the pipeline open, as we have always said—Chisinau does not pose an obstacle to the transit of gas to the left bank. This natural gas is not free. The Republic of Moldova pays a very high price for this natural gas, which they claim is delivered for free to the left bank, and we all feel this cost”, Maia Sandu highlighted.

“We will allow the gas to reach the Transnistrian region. We want this humanitarian crisis to end as quickly as possible, but we will continue to take all necessary measures to ensure the energy security of the Republic of Moldova”, the president added.

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