Russia ready to extend list of exporters of Moldovan horticultural products

The authorities of the Russian Federation assure that the Moldovan vegetables, fruit, cans and wines will have duty-free access to the Russian market in 2020 as well. This will enable the Moldovan producers to save over 300 million lei, stated Minister of Agriculture, Regional Development and Environment Ion Perju, who is paying a working visit to Moscow, IPN reports.

In Moscow, the minister met with his Russian counterpart Dmitry Patrusev. “The good news is that the Russian side expressed its readiness to extend the list of exporters of Moldovan horticultural products and of canned and wine products,” Ion Perju posted on Facebook. The restoration of relations and efficient communication between the food safety watchdogs of the two countries was a separate subject for discussions.

“During the past six years, the relations between these institutions were practically frozen. The restoration of the cooperation relations with the competent institutions of the Russia Federation as a strategic partner of the Republic of Moldova will foster the commercial exchanges between our counties and will considerably influence the efficient communication of the business community and the attraction of Russian investment to the agrifood sector of the Republic of Moldova,” said the minister.

Trade between Moldova and Russia in January – May 2019 totaled US$ 407.6 million. By the volume of commercial exchanges, Russia ranks second among Moldova’s commercial partners with a share of 11.6% of Moldova’s trade.

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