“Russia considers it important to have good relations with Moldova”, deputy Russian foreign minister

“For Russia, it is important to have good relations with Moldova, which is a close neighbor,” said Deputy Foreign Minister of Russia Grigory Karasin, who is in Chisinau on a working visit.”We hope the relations will develop and the political dialogue will continue. Only by dialogue and mutual respect, will we be able to solve all the problems,” he said. Asked what he thinks about Moldovan authorities' intention to modify the format of the peacekeeping mission in the Security Zone, he said he will travel to Transnistrian on Wednesday to meet the local leaders and a group of military men and peacekeepers and will pronounce on this only after the meetings. The Deputy Foreign Minister of Russia Grigory Karasin will be in Moldova until January 21, Info-Prim Neo reports. In a statement, the Russian Foreign Ministry says the aim of Karasin's visit is to carry out a political assessment of the cooperation relations between Moldova and Russia. The developments on the two banks of the Nistru require special attention to the signs that affect the priorities of the Russian foreign policy one way or another, the statesmen says.

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