Road Fund Board has a new composition

The Cabinet approved the nominal composition of the Board of the Road Fund. This will be chaired by Prime Minister Pavel Filip. Minister of Economy and Infrastructure Kiril Gaburici will serve as deputy chairman, while Oxana Glushchenko, head of the State Chancellery’s Policy Coordination Division as secretary, IPN reports.

The Council consists of: Minister of Finance Octavian Armasu, Minister of the Interior Alexandru Jizdan, Minister of Agriculture, Regional Development and Environment Liviu Volconovici, Gagauzia Governor Irina Vlah, Secretary of State at the Ministry of Economy and Infrastructure Anatol Usatyi, chairman of the Federation of Trade Unions of Carriers and Road Workers of Moldova Boris Rojnevschi, executive director of the Union of Carriers and Road Workers of Moldova Eugen Datsko and chairman of the Employers Association of Road Workers of Moldova Stefan Caunov.

Under the Road Fund Law, the Board is a consultative body whose decisions are recommendatory in character. Its duty is to combine the forces of the road sector authorities and set objectives and coordinated measures in order to plan public road repair and maintenance works and to efficiently use the resources.

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