The students who took the Baccalaureate exams will find out the grades on June 27. Director of the Assessment and Evaluation Adrian Ghicov told a news conference on June 16 that the results will be available from the Baccalaureate centers. The students will be able to dispute the results within 48 hours, Info-Prim Neo reports.
Minister of Education Mihail Shleahtitski said most of the test papers were checked. The number of grades of ‘9’ and ‘10’ decreased significantly. Even the number of grades of ‘8’ is lower. Most of the grades are of ‘6’ and ‘7’.
The minister stated that one of the most often violations recorded during the exams was the use of the mobile phone. In some of the cases, the students came with two or three mobile phones. Some of the students also came with the brochures with Baccalaureate tests.
Mihail Shleahtitski informed that a number of papers were annulled. They included the identical papers, those written in ink of several nuances and those in which the students used ceruse.
The supervisors often ignored many violations and were penalized. In most of the cases, the given teachers were banned from being involved in examination procedures for three years.
The minister also said that they are considering the possibility of introducing a new examination method. Besides the written paper, there will be also an oral test. Representatives of universities may also be involved in the examination process.
More than 31,000 students sat Baccalaureate exams at 175 Baccalaureate centers this year.