Representatives of civil society on Integrity Council chosen

Dumitru Tira and Tatiana Pashkovski will represent civil society on the Integrity Council of the National Integrity Authority of Moldova, IPN reports.

The Ministry of Justice said the two were chosen as winners of the contest depending on the points obtained from each member of the special selection commission. Dumitru Tira is the founder and manager of the media outlet “Realitatea Media”, while Tatiana Pashkovski is the communication officer of “Promo-Lex” Association.

The contest also involved university teacher Carolina Makovetski, university teacher Oxana Novikov, lawyer Vladislav Gribincea, lawyer Valentin Gaina and English language teacher Tatiana Gogu.

So far, representatives on the Integrity Council were delegated by the Superior Council of Magistracy - Victor Micu, the Superior Council of Prosecutors - Mircea Rosioru, and the Congress of Local Authorities – Viorel Rusu. Parliament chose at a public contest Sergiu Ostaf, director of the Resource Center for Human Rights. Under the law, the Government is to also select a representative.

All the members of the Integrity Council of the National Integrity Authority are named for a five-year term.

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