Repairs on the R6 road completed – 90 days to address nonconformities

The rehabilitation works on the R6 road, which connects Chisinau, Orhei, and Balti, have been completed. However, the commission that inspected the works identified a nonconformity that must be corrected. The contractor will resolve the issue within the next 90 days at its own expense. The road comes with a one-year warranty, IPN reports.

The State Road Administration (ASD) specified that thin cold bituminous layers of the Slurry Seal type were applied on the section between km 94+620 and km 99+320, covering a total length of 4,700 linear meters.

The works aim to protect and extend the durability of the road surface, as well as to improve traction, “thus contributing to increased safety and comfort for all road users,” the ASD stated.

The total cost of the repairs amounts to 6.2 million lei, funded by the Road Fund.

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