Register of complaints eliminated

The Register of complaints in physical form will be eliminated and the deadline for the repair or replacement of products will be extended in certain situations from 14 to a maximum of 30 days. The provisions are part of the fourth package aimed at excluding administrative barriers for economic agents. The document was given a final reading and adopted, IPN reports.

On the initiative of the Ministry of Economic Development and Digitalization, 12 normative documents will be amended.

It is instituted the recognition of commodity exchanges authorized in the Member States of the European Union when they officially register as legal entities in Moldova and demonstrate that they meet the minimum requirements set down by the local legislation.

Particular restrictions on rural houses regarding the number of rooms and tourists and the assortment of products used to serve tourists are lifted.

Hygiene training courses will be organized free of charge and online. The obligation to periodically train unit leaders and designated workers in occupational safety and health, every three years, will be abolished and replaced by lifetime training.

The legislative amendments also provide for the elimination of the validity period of the bill of lading, exclusion of extracts in the relations with the owners of public utility networks (natural gas, water and sewerage, electricity, heat) and ensuring of remote interaction.

Also, the possibility of obtaining electronic signature remotely, through video recordings of the applicant,made through remote identification services involving verification with a human operator, will be introduced.

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