Queen Marie days in Chisinau: Statue will be inaugurated in the Square of "Gheorghe Asachi" High School

The statue of Queen Marie in the square of "Gheorghe Asachi" High School will be inaugurated on March 27. The event marks the 107th anniversary of the Union of Bessarabia with Romania, IPN reports.

The initiative to erect the statue belongs to lawyer Iulian Rusanovschi and was launched on March 27, 2018, during the Centennial of the Great Union.

The statue stands over six meters tall and depicts Queen Marie of Romania on the day of her coronation in Alba Iulia, holding the Christian Bible in her left hand.

The Queen’s face was sculpted in bronze by artist Veaceslav Jiglitchi, based on a project by architect Mihail Andries, with the artistic composition supervised by an international commission of experts.

The pedestal was crafted from Cosauti stone by master artisan Marin Lozan.

The funds for the monument were raised by the "Monumentum" Association through public subscription.

The day after the monument's inauguration, the International Symposium "Queen Marie – The Queen of the Great Union" will be held in the Queen Marie Hall at Moldova State University.

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