Puppet theater at National Opera House

The National Opera House “Maria Biesu” opened a puppet theater on the International Children’s Day marked on June 1. The performances will be presented in the Small Hall that was inaugurated today on the same occasion, Info-Prim Neo reports. The opening ceremony started with a puppet show for the about 50 children who came from the Chisinau Placement and Rehabilitation Center “Gavroche”. The first show was attended by the Head of Parliament. “Now that the children are on vacation they will enjoy interactive puppet shows, while the parents will be able to take their children to one more interesting place,” said Marian Lupu, adding that his two children would appreciate such a show. After the performance, Marian Lupu shared out toys and candies bought with the money of the Democratic Party of Moldova and other resources to the children. The puppet shows will be put on three times a week. A ticket costs 50 lei. The National Opera House spent over 200,000 lei on outfitting the Small Hall.

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