Pupils to be educated about energy and climate starting next year

Beginning with the next academic year, energy conservation and climate education will be introduced in Moldovan schools. Rather than forming a separate discipline, relevant modules will be incorporated into classes such as Physics, Geography, Education for Society, and Personal Development.

“We want to educate generations that are aware of the challenges in the energy sector and environmental issues, generations that promote sustainable lifestyles”, said Cristina Pereteatcu, State Secretary at the Ministry of Energy.

Schoolchildren will study both theoretically and practically relevant laws of physics, geographical and atmospheric phenomena, their practical impact in the use of sustainable energy, how to collect waste separately, recycle and reduce the carbon footprint.

The educational package includes 84 didactic products – methodological guides and lesson plans, developed by teachers and experts in the field of energy and environment. Teachers interested in the subject are invited to participate in testing the teaching materials and attend training workshops.

The modules are developed with the support of the European Union and UNDP Moldova, in partnership with the Ministry of Education and Research, the Ministry of Energy, the Ministry of the Environment and the President’s Office.

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