Public Security Inspectorate employee investigated for influence peddling

An employee of the National Public Security Inspectorate serving in northern Moldova is investigated for influence peddling. The policeman allegedly asked and received 15,000 lei from a resident of Sângerei district for covering up a case of drunk driving, IPN reports, with reference to the National Anticorruption Center (NAC).

The policeman claimed that he had influence over public servants of the Sângerei Police Inspectorate, who handled the drunk driving case, and that he could persuade them to opt for punishment in the form of community service.

Also, the suspect promised to convince them to release the confiscated car taken to the specialized parking lot, with its return to the owner. For his services, the policeman allegedly asked and received 15,000 lei from the denouncer.

Employees of the North Territorial General Division of the NAC and prosecutors from Balti conducted searches at the suspect’s home. The policeman wasn’t remanded in custody.

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