PSRM seeks dismissal of Maia Sandu, holding of snap presidential elections

The Party of Socialists of the Republic of Moldova (PSRM) demands that Maia Sandu should resign and snap presidential elections should be held. The party’s National Council on April 18 adopted a statement saying the Constitutional Court’s judgment that was “passed under the evident pressure of President Maia Sandu is a coup aimed at establishing an external government regime in Moldova in the interests of Sandu’s supervisors from outside the country”. According to the document, the CC brutally ignored the existence in Parliament of a majority that proposed Vladimir Golovatiuc for Prime Minister. We can actually speak about the reinstatement of state capture”, IPN reports.

“The Party of Socialists reminds all the foreign forces and its agents of influence in our country, regardless of the held posts, that Moldova is not a banana republic and will never be as such. We are a free country that annually celebrates the Independence Day. We are a nation with a rich and heroic history and will not allow anyone to insult us and our grandparents and ancestors,” runs the PSRM’s statement.

The Socialists express their distrust in the composition of the Constitutional Court of Moldova, which, according to the PSRM, became accomplices to the usurpation of power in the country, and they seek the resignation of Domnica Manole, Liuba Șova and Nicolae Roșca. “The principled position of the Party of Socialists is that the members of the Constitutional Court should be exclusively citizens of the Republic of Moldova and these should not have the nationality of other states and should not have pledged allegiance to any foreign state,” says the statement.

The PSRM insists on the nomination of Vladimir Golovatiuc as Prime Minister. “He is the legitimate candidate of the parliamentary majority. He and his team have detailed solutions for overcoming the crisis in the country. If he is not nominated, the whole responsibility for the economic and epidemiological crisis in the country will be borne by Maia Sandu, the ambassadors of the Western states that support her and the judges of the Constitutional Court.”

The PSRM noted it is ready for snap parliamentary elections. At the same time, the Socialists expressed their conviction that the elections should take place only when at least 1.5 million efficient COVID-19 vaccine doses are brought to Moldova and at least 600,000 citizens are immunized.

The party called on all the healthy parliamentary groups and social forces to unite against the brutal attempts to usurp the power in our country and the attack on Moldova’s independence.

The Constitutional Court on April 15 ruled that there are circumstances that justify the dissolution of Parliament. It noted that the impossibility of forming the Government, in accordance with Article 85, paragraphs 1 and 2 of the Constitution, is ascertained as a circumstance that justifies the dissolution of Parliament of the tenth legislature. The decision is definitive, cannot be challenged, takes effect when it is adopted and is published in the Official Gazette. Judge Vladimir Țurcan formulated a separate opinion, while judge Sergey Țurcan formulated a dissident opinion.

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