PSRM says delivery of COVID-19 vaccines is its merit

The Party of Socialist (PSRM) says the COVID-19 supplies will be delivered to Moldova due to its contribution. MP Vladimir Odnostalco, deputy chairman of the Parliament’s commission on social protection, health and family, in a press briefing said the Republic of Moldova joined the global COVAX initiative in August 2020 and the application to get COVID-19 vaccines was submitted on December 7, 2020, IPN reports.

“Owing to the documents signed by Minister of Health Viorica Dumbrăveanu and Minister of Finance Sergey Pușcuță, our country will receive free vaccines for 20% of the population. As our country is registered at the WHO with a population of over 4 million people, we will get 800,000 free shots for 400,000 people, by two doses each. We will purchase shots for another 30% of the population at a privileged price owing to the steps taken by the Ministry of Health,” stated Vladimir Odnostalco.

MP Alla Darovannaia, who is also a member of the aforementioned commission, said the persons from the risk groups will be vaccinated initially. These are the healthcare workers, personnel and beneficiaries of residential care institutions, persons older than 60, persons with chronic diseases, social assistance and education employees.

“At the first stage, it is very important that vaccination be first of all voluntary. Each citizen will be administered the vaccine only after signing an agreement and will then be issued with a vaccination certificate with information about the vaccines. The health system is ready to offer treatment and consultations free to the citizens of the Republic of Moldova in case of side effects,” stated Alla Darovannaia.

The Ministry of Health, Labor and Social Protection informed that the first consignments of COVID-19 vaccines will arrive in Moldova in the middle of February. These are the about 25,000 doses of Pfizer/BioNTech vaccine (Comirnaty) and 264,000 doses produced by Oxford/AstraZeneca. Moldova will receive doses for vaccinating 20% of the population through the agency of COVAX gratis.

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