The Party of Socialists of Moldova “Patria-Rodina” (PSM “Patria-Rodina”) urges the representatives of ethnic groups to vote for the Communist Party (PCRM) in the July 29 parliamentary elections.
At a news conference held at Info-Prim Neo on July 9, the party’s leader Eduard Smirnov said that the national minorities in Moldova do not have any argument in favor of the Liberal runners and of those who say they are Democrats.
“The proposals of the Moldovan Liberals Ghimpu and Chirtoaca (Mihai Ghimpu and Dorin Chirtoaca, leaders of the Liberal Party – e. n.) to name Romanian the official language run counter to the vital interests of the ethnic groups. The state strategy on the integration of the ethnic minorities into the Moldovan society on the basis of bilingualism that the Liberal-Democratic leader Vlad Filat promised to work out is a mockery.
“The PDM candidate Marian Lupu’s assertions that the ruling party is to blame for the civil unrest in the country are also a kind of mockery,” Smirnov said.
Valentin Crylov, secretary general of the PSM “Patria-Rodina”, said that the interethnic conciliation for the Moldovan Communists is a value like justice and democracy.
“Neither the Liberals not the Democrats can ensure stability in Moldova,” said Eugenia Novac, representative of the local organization of the PCRM in Gagauzia.
The administration of the party expressed dissatisfaction with the statements made by the PLDM, “which aims to marginalize those that do not know the official language of Moldova.”
“Do no haste, do not push us from behind and do not point at us as if we are secondary persons because we do not know the official language. Many representatives of ethnic minorities that do not speak the official language of Moldova are civil servants named to the post because of other qualities of theirs, as for example professionalism,” Eduard Smirnov said.
The PSM “Patria-Rodina” said they will not run in the early legislative elections, but will support the PCRM.
At another news conference, the PLDM said it will notify the Prosecutor’s Office and sue the media outlets that distort the information and incite hatred and national division. According to Vlad Filat, the Liberal-Democrats’ intention to formulate a strategy for facilitating the social integration of the people, regardless of their ethnicity, was presented in a discrediting light by the pro-Communist journalists.