Prosecutors request extension of house arrest for Ion Creanga

Prosecutors are requesting the extension of house arrest for the suspended head of the Parliament's Legal Directorate, Ion Creanga. The information was confirmed to IPN by prosecutor Dumitru Stefarta, who has already submitted the request.

Once the court ruled to transfer Ion Creanga from pre-trial detention to house arrest, this decision can no longer be contested, the prosecutor clarified.

In a statement to, judge Arina Ialanji, who placed Ion Creanga under house arrest, explained that "isolating the individual is not justified or absolutely necessary at this time, especially since the severity of the offense alone is not a strong enough argument to deprive a person of liberty".

The next hearing in the case is scheduled for March 20.

Ion Creanga was released from detention and placed under house arrest on March 10. He is accused of treason and conspiracy against Moldova, allegedly maintaining covert communication with the assistant to the Russian Embassy's military attaché in Chisinau during 2023-2024. Previously, Creanga stated to the press that he will prove his innocence in court.

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