Prosecutor and mayor to be investigated for undeclared property and conflict of interests

The National Integrity Commission established that a prosecutor of the Prosecutor General’s Office didn’t indicate a vehicle, ten bank accounts and 35 shares owned in a commercial organization in his income statement. Also, the mayor of Calarasi town didn’t declare a conflict of interests, IPN reports.

The mayor of Calarasi didn’t inform that in 2013 he signed three contracts for the purchase of goods/services/works to the value of 13,900 lei with a limited liability company managed by his wife and founded by the mayor himself.

In the first case, the National Integrity Commission will submit the file to the Prosecutor General’s Office for examination, while in the second case the documents will be lodged to the National Anticorruption Center.

Also today, the Commission initiated inspection procedures against a number of mayors, the head of the Police Sector No. 1 Ungheni and an ex-employee of the Ministry of the Interior.

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