
Briefness first and foremost – May 2, 2019 IPN digest


There are fewer doctoral students in Moldova with every year passing. For example, last year their number dropped by about 100 to some 1,500 students, according to the National Bureau of Statistics. Social and economic sciences accounted for half of the total doctoral students, with law being the most popular in this field (35%). The least popular studies are engineering and technology, and agricultural sciences. Most doctoral students, some 62%, are 34 years old or younger.

Last year, almost each second contravention was a road traffic violation. The fine was the main penalty imposed for violations. According to the National Bureau of Statistics, the road traffic violations are followed by infringements related to entrepreneurship, taxation, customs activity and real estate. These represented 12.2%, a decrease of 5.6% on 2017. The contraventions related to public order and security constituted 9.3%, down 26.3% on 2017. The ratio of penalties to the population is of 116 to 1,000 on average. A sum of 129.4 million lei of the imposed fines was collected.

A resolution adopted at the demonstration mounted by the PSRM in Chisinau on May 1 says the Socialists consider a durable and functional coalition and a stable Government should be formed so as to implement its socioeconomic program, which envisions the ensuring of high-quality and accessible education and healthcare, attraction of foreign investment from the East and the West and creation of new jobs. The PSRM is also sure that the adoption of anti-oligarchic laws is possible only under a stable government coalition or Moldova could face again chaos and poverty.

MP Alexandru Slusari, one of the leaders of the political bloc ACUM, believes that a four-year coalition with the Party of Socialists is an impractical scenario. He says the bloc does not want snap elections, but if it’s forced into such, ACUM will mobilize to face “even very difficult conditions”. “Our roadmap is very clear and for a second time we even set a date and time for a meeting to discuss this (anti-oligarchic) agenda, but we all saw how the Socialists reacted. Their rhetoric is utterly ultimatum-like, leaving no room for discussions”, stated Slusari.

Asked by journalists if it’s true that incumbent minister of finance Ion Chicu could be suggested for Prime Minister, Igor Dodon said no one except the President can propose a candidate. Presidential aide Maxim Lebedinschi, referring to an application filed to the Constitutional Court, Saud that under the Constitution, the failure to appoint a Prime Minister and a Cabinet in three months leads to the dissolution of Parliament. Also, there must be at least two nominations within a span of 45 days before Parliament can be dissolved.

The hearing in the second case featuring  ex-Premier Vlad Filat that was scheduled for May 2 was postponed. Asked by IPN to comment, lawyer Victor Munteanu said the defense’s appeal against the decision to reject the application addressed to the Constitutional Court hasn’t been yet examined by the Chisinau City Appeals Court and, consequently, the case wasn’t sent back to the Buiucani branch of the Chisinau City Court. The appeal was filed after the ordinary court two weeks ago rejected the lawyers’ application concerning the raising of the exception of unconstitutionality of a number of provisions of the Penal Procedure Code.

The leader of the Party “Action and Solidarity” (PAS) Maia Sandu said the current government ordered to raise the salaries of teachers of universities, centers of excellence and vocational education institutions, but didn’t allocate money for the raises to be possible. According to the politician, a number of media outlets recently reported that the universities, centers of excellence and vocational education institutions do not have enough funds to pay the raised salaries announced by the government. The education trade unions did some calculations and these show the 27 education institutions need an extra 120 million lei to be able to pay higher salaries until the end of 2019.

Viorel Morari resigned as chief prosecutor of the Anticorruption Prosecutor’s Office.

Four lawmakers of the political bloc ACUM have written to the Ministry of Economy and Infrastructure and the National Energy Regulatory Agency requesting details about electricity imports from the Transnistrian region. The inquiring MPs want to know in particular “which laws give the MoEI the power to create committees for selecting importers of electricity and why the requirements for such importers are not public”, and “why calls for bids are held in a non-transparent manner, without involving experts and civil society representatives”.

Details on IPN!