
Briefness first and foremost – March 5, 2019 IPN digest


In a press briefing, the PSRM’s secretary for ideology Ion Ceban presented the statement signed by all the newly-elected Socialist MPs by which these pledge to work in the new legislative body as part of a united team. “If pressure is exerted to leave the group, they will prefer to vacate the seat of MP than to betray the team and the people’s vote”. Until the seats of MP are officially validated, the Party of Socialists will not have talks on the formation of a parliamentary alliance with other parties, stated the Socialist leader Zinaida Grechanyi.

If an alliance between the Democratic Party and the Party of Socialists is formed, the PSRM will be swallowed by the Democrats, as it happened earlier to the Liberal Democrat Party and the Liberal Party. However, in such a case the Socialists will play a role in a scenario planned for several years, said the executive director of the Institute for Strategic Initiatives Vlad Kulminski.

Igor Munteanu, who was elected MP on behalf of the electoral bloc ACUM (NOW) DA PAS, said the bloc he represents would definitely not form an alliance with the Democratic Party. At the same time, the spokesman for the PDM Vitalie Gamurari noted there is place for a dialogue. The representatives of the two parties provided arguments in favor of their positions in the talk show “Emphasis on today” on TVR Moldova channel.

The formation of a situational coalition by the electoral bloc ACUM (NOW) DA PAS and the Party of Socialists (PSRM) in the future Parliament would save Moldovan society. This would mean not a classical coalition, but rather the covering of procedural steps needed for adopting the essence, while the essence is the annulment of the mixed electoral system, consider some of the experts. Other experts believe this scenario would be a suitable option if it could be put into practice. The issue was developed in the talk show “Expertise hour” on Jurnal TV channel.

The results of the parliamentary elections that were held in Moldova on February 24 and the way in which they were conducted do not present a democratic improvement of the situation in the country. The voter turnout was low, voting took place with violations and the citizens from the diaspora weren’t treated correctly. The election results made the formation of a Government difficult, especially because some of the parties announced they will not cooperate with other parties. Snap elections could thus take place in four-six months. These are some of the conclusions of the election observation mission to Moldova that were discussed by the European Parliament’s Committee on Foreign Affairs. In this connection, some of the MEPs said that the suspension of the budget support should be maintained and that the Association Agreement is in danger. Others said it is too early to draw particular conclusions and they need to observe the developments.

Representatives of the electoral bloc NOW Platform DA and PAS said the February 24 parliamentary elections were neither free nor fair. They will present a report on the committed electoral frauds to the Constitutional Court and will demand to invalidate the elections in single-member constituencies No. 47 and No. 48 (intended for the Transnistrian region), in constituencies No. 17 and No. 18 (Nisporeni and Orhei) and also No. 4 (Râșcani), where the Central Election Commission decided to remove the NOW candidate from the race one day before the election day.

A memorandum understanding aimed at consolidating the child protection, health, education and early development systems and the section of adolescents in the municipality of Chisinau was signed by the Chisinau City Hall, UNICEF Moldova and the Alliance of Active NGOs in the field of Child and Family Social Protection. The development of the child social protection services at the local level is one of the UNICEF priorities for 2018-2022 for protecting children from exploitation and violence and for preventing abandonment, separation from the family and negligence.

The People’s Assembly of Gagauzia proposes introducing a clause that would envision the possibility of Gagauzia leaving Moldova in the Constitution. The initiative was published on the website of the People’s Assembly of Gagauzia for public debates. This says the People’s Assembly has the right to adopt the local legislative and normative frameworks within the limits of its powers and stipulates the procedure for adopting amendments to the legislation on the powers of Gagauzia by Parliament. This way, the law on the special legal status of Gagauzia could be amended only with 3/5 of votes of MP and only based on decisions by the Parliament and the People’s Assembly of Gagauzia, which would coincide. The state institutions in Gagauzia could be reorganized following the consent given by the Executive Committee of Gagauzia.

The list of high performance medical services of the common mandatory health insurance program could be supplemented with seven new services. The new services include immunohistochemical testing that helps diagnose cancer metastases, molecular-geneticist investigations and others.

The Transport and Road Workers Union intends to formally ask the Government to amend the Transport Code so as to allow passenger transport operators the freedom to fix their own fares on suburban and interurban routes. Last time tariffs on interurban routes were increased in 2012, by 0.1 leu/km to an average 0.48 leu/km.

A monography entitled “Thematic compositions in Moldovan sculpture: 1940 – 2010” by Ana Marian was launched at the National Library of Moldova. The author said she worked for eight years on the book. Two copies of the monography will be kept at the National Library. National Library director Elena Pintilei said the author of the monography emphasizes an important inheritance. Ana Marian starts from the rural crucifixes that weren’t destroyed and reveals the authors who included ordinary people. The given book will find its reader and will be present at the library’s exhibitions that promote sculpture.

An electric vehicle charging station installed in the parking space of Metro No. 1 store in Poșta Veche quarter of Chisinau enables the owners of plug-in hybrid or electric vehicles to freely charge their cars while they do the shopping. The station was set up under a partnership initiated by UNDP Moldova and the Chisinau City Hall and forms part of the Sustainable Green Cities Project.

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