
Briefness first and foremost – February 7, 2019 IPN digest


The leader of the Party of Regions of Moldova Alexandr Kalinin said the plane by which President Igor Dodon recently returned from Moscow brought to Moldova US$ 20 million that is intended for funding the campaign of the Party of Socialists (PSRM), especially in the Transnistrian region and ATU Gagauzia. The Party of Regions intends to file a complaint to the Central Election Commission by which it will demand that the PSRM should be removed from the electoral race because it is financed with foreign funds.

The leader of the Party of Regions of Moldova Alexandr Kalinin, who is the president of the Congress of the Moldovan Diaspora in Russia, said that after the so-called migration amnesty for Moldovans who are in Russia announced by President Igor Dodon, a number of Moldovans found themselves unable to return to Russia. The people are told that if they try to enter Russia before the ban imposed on them expires, they will face criminal punishment, including jail terms.

The Party of Regions of Moldova, which is an election contestant running in the parliamentary elections of February 24 in the national constituency under No. 10, is a pro-Russian party. The Party of Regions always protected the rights of the Moldovans and continues doing so.

Journalist Alex Cozer said during the past few years Moldova’s ratings concerning the global democracy index, corruption and the freedom of the media over the past few years decreased. As to the grants received by Moldova from foreign partners, in 2014 these represented US$ 288 million, in 2015 – US$ 103 million and in 2018 – US$ 21 million. “In 2018, we also lost the financial assistance promised by the European Union,” stated the journalist. He noted that the Republic of Moldova during the past few years, witnessed continuous regression in all sectors.

The Party of Socialists (PSRM) decided that its MPs will not participate in the spring session of the legislative body. In a press statement, the party argued that the parliamentary majority, two weeks before the elections, intends to adopt a number of populist decisions and appointments in a hurry.

President Igor Dodon noted that in a discussion with the president of the Russian gas giant Gazprom Alexei Miller, he asked this to consider the possibility of reducing the current price of gas for Moldova by 25%. He believes this is possible now that Moldova obtained the status of observer at the Eurasian Union.

According to a statement issued in Brussels, the Steering Committee of the Eastern Partnership Civil Society Forum urges that the relevant institutions of the European Union react strongly if widespread electoral fraud is reported or if the election is invalidated, as  happened in Chisinau last year. Were this to be the case the EU should consider imposing sanctions against officials responsible for any such decision. The report on the election by observers from PACE as well as the European Parliament and from the Office of Democratic Institutions and Human Rights will be important in this respect.

Elections in plain words: campaign advertising. Campaign advertising can consist of electoral posters, flyers and different forms of adverts broadcast through the mass media. Each electoral contender or participant in the referendum has the right to state their opinions in equal conditions since they are registered by the electoral body.

The contestants can appear on TV and benefit from equal and non-discriminatory treatment in the provision of airtime or advertising space for electoral advertisements, regardless of the form of ownership of the audiovisual institutions. Campaign advertising cannot be included in news, sports, children’s and religious programs. Responsibility for the content of electoral advertisements is borne by the election contestant. The broadcasters will cover the election campaign in the main news bulletins by making these accessible to persons with hearing and visual impairments through text messages, sign language, audio descriptions and other similar techniques.

The Liberal leader Dorin Chirtoacă told a news conference that if the forces of the right do not combine efforts, the pro-European and unionist candidates will not have chances of entering Parliament because people’s votes for these candidates will be dispersed. Dorin Chirtoacă didn’t say how namely the common candidate of the pro-European and unionist forces should be chosen, noting discussions are needed in this regard.

Lawyer Cristin Chiriac calls on the citizens to show more civic engagement and to report acts of corruption and frauds committed by politicians, functionaries and their accomplices to the Prosecutor General’s Office. To help them, the lawyer will offer them a model of application to the prosecutor general.

In a news conference at IPN, Cristin Chiriac said the form can be downloaded from the blog www.avocatulchiriaccristin.com or from his Facebook page. The application should be filled out with the person’s personal data and with details about the identified violation. After the application is completed, it must be printed in two copies and submitted to the Chancellery of the Prosecutor General’s Office or can be sent by recommended letter.

A book entitled “Trip to an earlier world. Memories of a Pole in Bessarabia” was launched at the National Library of Moldova. This was printed by the Embassy of Poland in Chisinau and was written by Tadeusz Gaydamowicz, who is now 96 and who contributed to keeping the national spirit of the Poles in Moldova. “In his texts, he relates how the Poles got to the Bessarabian land in the tsarist period. Later, he described the life of the Poles in the interwar period. These texts were published in the Polish and Romanian languages and everyone can have access to them,” noted Poland’s Ambassador Bartlomiej Zdaniuk.

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