Press ignores call to respect children’s rights, NGO

After monitoring how the mass media present subjects featuring children during half a year, the Association of Independent Press (API) ascertained with concern that the situation has not improved as the children continue to be victims in journalists’ hands. During six months, the press presented the child as a victim of violence and sexual abuse or as an offender, ignoring the Association’s recommendations, Info-Prim Neo reports. In a thematic conference, API executive director Petru Macovei said the number of sexually abused children in Moldova has increased, according to a recent study. Certainly the mass media is not directly to blame for this situation, but it bears responsibility for presenting in detail the cases of child abuse. API expert Ina Prisacaru said the journalists look for sensations and ignore common sense when they show pictures or make descriptions. They do not observe the deontological norms. The children who are victims or violence or come into conflict with the law become passive sources of information, without rights and power. The children’s opinion is not asked even about decisions taken by adults. UNICEF Representative in Moldova Alexandra Yuster said it is the journalists who decide how to treat a subject. “The people see the situation through the eyes and pens of the journalists,” she stated, urging the journalists to have a correct attitude towards the protagonists of the presented cases, especially if they are children. The API monitored the mass media between June 1 and December 31.

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