President proposes constituting historical appraisal commission

President Igor Dodon suggested setting up a historical appraisal commission that would meet monthly to debate different projects and programs in the field. The commission will work under the auspices of the President’s Civil Society Council, IPN reports.

According to the presidential press service, the suggestion was formulated in a working meeting entitled “Significance of great historical events for strengthening the statehood of the Republic of Moldova”. The meeting, which involved historians and experts from the academic circle, centered on a number of issues related to the importance of events from Moldova’s past and actions that need to be taken to strengthen the Moldovan statehood and identity.

The President reiterated the necessity of studying Moldova’s history in schools.

Contacted by IPN, the President’s spokesman Ion Ceban said the procedure for selecting members of the commission will be soon agreed by the presidential administration and will be then made public.

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