Post of Chisinau International Airport administrator to be vacated

Constantin Vozian resigns from the position of administrator of the Chisinau International Airport. “As an administrator, 90% of the energy and time allocated for work is wasted in observing bureaucratic procedures that are totally inappropriate to a business, but especially to a strategic facility like the Chisinau International Airport,” said Constantin Vozian, being quoted by IPN.

He noted that the year 2023 was difficult for civil aviation in Moldova and for the Chisinau International Airport. At the beginning of the year, the suspension of flights by one of the airlines with a high share in the air transport services market and the insolvency of a national air operator created an enormous gap in the air transport market. The high demand for flights and the low supply generated an explosion in ticket prices. Gradually, however, with the announcement by several airlines of the intention to launch flights to and from the Chisinau International Airport, the market balanced and plane ticket prices started to follow trends to the consumer’s advantage.

“At international level, the Chisinau International Airport managed to assert itself and become an active member of the Airports Council International and an associate member of the Romanian Airports Association - platforms on which training for airport staff and exchange of experience with international specialists in the field take place,” said Constantin Vozian.

As for his decision to resign, he referred to the limited scope of the administrator’s duties, noting the obligation to coordinate with the company’s management bodies a vast majority of decisions, even many of those that aren’t of major importance, makes the executive body of a state-owned company an element that cannot focus on the sustainable development of the enterprise, while compliance with formalities becomes the daily routine of an administrator.

“Other airports in other countries also went through such bureaucratic difficulties and it is possible to overcome them. I’m sure that this will happen in our country too. At least this is my personal and subjective view about the possibility of successfully achieving the objectives applying to an international airport,” stated Constantin Vozian.

Constantin Vozian was appointed administrator of the International Airport in April 2023. In the period, the Airport returned under state management.

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