Police officer charged with beating demonstrator last April pleads not guilty

Radu Starinschi, former division head at the Centru Police Commissariat, is on trial for allegedly beating a 23-year-old demonstrator during last April's disturbances. He pleaded not guilty today, telling the court he didn't even know Sergiu Cretu. “I am not guilty and have no relation whatsoever to what I'm charged of. I hadn't met Sergiu Cretu until I was interrogated at the Prosecutor's Office”, declared Radu Starinschi. He recounted in court that several days after that interrogation attended by Sergiu Cretu, the prosecutors told him he was charged with assault resulting in bodily injury. “I guess he accused me in order to obtain money”, said Radu Starinschi, without mentioning whether Sergiu Cretu asked for money or not. Answering Judge Vladimir Brasoveanu's question about his whereabouts at the time of the alleged offense, Starinschi said he didn't remember because he hadn't slept for 24 hours before that night and had been very tired. “I don't remember what I did then. Maybe I was in my office, or outside of it, or maybe at home. I don't remember”, said the police officer. The judge adjourned the trial until July 14, when witnesses are due to appear before the court.

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