Police arrest man suspected of raping pregnant woman at maternity hospital

The police have arrested a 40-year-old Chisinau man suspected of raping a pregnant woman two weeks ago in the courtyard of Maternity Hospital no. 2, Info-Prim Neo reports. The suspect was arrested in a night club, said Adrian Jovmir spokesperson for the General Police Commissariat. The 27-year-old woman had been admitted to the maternity for a routine check. She told investigators that she encountered the man at the entrance to the hospital. He told her that his wife had just delivered a baby and the doctors didn't allow him in because he had had a few drinks to celebrate. Pretending that he wanted the woman to deliver a package for his wife, the man asked her to follow him to the back of the building, where he raped her. The rape occurred on July 11. The victim was hospitalized to prevent a miscarriage. Luckily, the fetus was not harmed and the woman has already been discharged. The man, who was earlier convicted for robbery, is also suspected of attempting to rape a female street cleaner. He faces an imprisonment term of up to 12 years.

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