PNL seeks elimination of symbols of totalitarian regimes and condemnation of Communist crimes

The National Liberal Party (PNL) demands that the symbols of the totalitarian regimes be eliminated and that the crimes committed by the Communists be condemned, Info-Prim Neo reports, quoting a statement from the party's National Political Delegation. According to the statement, the new government is obliged to align Moldova to the former Soviet and Socialists countries that equaled Communism with Nazism, as the OSCE did in a recent document. The PNL says the formation of Alliances for European Integration in the district councils is now imperative in order to demolish the Communist monuments and symbols. “The new major parliamentary group must ban by law the use of totalitarian symbols by parties so as to make the course for European integration irreversible and prevent the coming to power of the Communists.” The PNL supports the European Movement's initiative to ban the use of Communist symbols and pledges to be in continuation alongside the Alliance for European Integration in the decisions meant to bring Moldova closer to the EU and NATO. “After the fall of the USSR, the Council of Europe adopted international documents on the elimination of the symbols of the totalitarian regimes. Later, in 2006, the Council recommended condemning the crimes committed by the Communist regime and many countries already did it. A group of Moldovan MPs of the previous legislature submitted an initiative to condemn the Communist crimes.” Earlier, the administration of the PNL published documents showing that the Communists Party was registered at the Ministry of Justice illegally. “The PCRM in Moldova was outlawed in 1991. During 14 of the 18 years of independence, the reactionary regimes propagated Stalinist lies about the identity, language and history of Romanians on the left bank of the Prut and filled the settlements with monuments to the Bolshevik Lenin. The PCRM, which had destroyed our state during the last ten years, seriously infringing the fundamental rights and freedoms, profiting from the Communist symbols in order to obtain votes from the people longing for freedom and prosperity by fraud and Soviet populism. But, owing to the lack of pluralism of opinion and free media, the people remain victims of the totalitarian propaganda,” said the PNL's National Political Delegation.

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