The National Liberal Party (PNL) has officially announced that it quits the electoral race and urged the PNL members and supporters to vote for the Liberal parties. The announcement was made at a news conferee held at Info-Prim Neo on Thursday.
The PNL president Vitalia Pavlicenco said that the decision was made at a meeting of the party’s Standing Bureau that was also attended by representatives of the local offices. The application to be withdrawn from the race will be submitted to the Central Election Commission on Friday, June 17.
Pavlicenco said that the PNL has entered the electoral race because the law obliges the political parties to participate at least in every second general election.
“As in the first elections we ran under the list of the European Action Movement, we decided to take part in elections with our own list in order to avoid the dissolution of the PNL by the Ministry of Justice,” the PNL president explained.
“We admit that we are not sure we will pass the election threshold and do not want to offer the Communists our votes when they will be distributed.”
Anatol Revenco, vice president of the PNL, said that the party’s withdrawal from the race will lead to the victory of the Liberal forces.
Vitalia Pavlicenco called on the party’s supporters to vote for the Liberal parties on July 29. She said that they are closer to the 10 fundamental principles from the platform of the Democratic team that joined forces for the 2005 parliamentary elections, which the PNL backs.
The given principles include Moldova’s withdrawal from the Commonwealth of Independent States and joining of the EU and the Euro-Atlantic organizations, unconditional withdrawal of the foreign troops from Moldova and other aspects concerning people’s welfare.
The PNL representatives expressed their conviction that four Democratic parties will enter the Parliament – the PL, PLDM, AMN and PDM. “In the future Parliament, the PCRM and PDM could join forces,” Pavlicenco considers.
At the same news conference, Vitalia Pavlicenco warned the electoral contenders and the society about the necessity of supervising the ballots. “It is said that a large number of ballots might be printed in a foreign country, probably Israel, and be then mixed with the ballots printed in Moldova. With the help of advanced technology, the voter’s stamp from ballots could be erased and put in front of another election runner,” Pavlicenco said. Members of the PNL call upon the security bodies of Moldova and the embassies to check the given information.
The PNL will yet participate in the electoral debates on the public television channel today and tomorrow.