PNL and other unionist parties will celebrate Romania’s National Day

The National Liberal Party (PNL) will mark the National Day of Romania on December 1 in order to convey the message that the Romanian Moldovans, who were hindered from regaining the Romanian identity, should remove the Romanian-phobia from their hearts and mentality, Info-Prim Neo reports. In a news conference, the PNL head Vitalia Pavlichenko said the National Liberal Party will organize a number of activities and will transmit the message that Ruler Sefan the Great and Holy was declared the greatest Romanian of all times. “The Communist government tried to exploit the historical personality of Stephan the Great and Holy to promote its Moldovenist and Stalinist ideology of Soviet origin. The task of the national, Romanian parties is not to allow distorting the identity of Stephan the Great and his role in the history of Romanians,” said Vitalia Pavlichenko. Representatives of the PNL, the National Romanian Party, the National Christian Movement and of Action 2012 on December 1will come together in the Europe Square, from where they will go to the Monument to Stephan the Great and Holy. They will bear distinct symbols such as insignia, scarves and banners, except for the flags of the political organizations. ”Starting at 4pm, the members of the PNL will take part in two marches staged by the National Romanian Party and the National Christian Movement. The marchers will meet in the center of Chisinau to dance the Union Round Dance,” said Vitalia Pavlichenko. In another development, she said that the PNL’s third Congress will take place on December 3. “The agenda will include the amendment of the party’s statutes and program that will contain the objective of Moldova’s union with Romania, which is aimed at liquidating the consequences of the criminal pact Molotov-Ribbentrop. The historical justice for this part of the Romanian people must be restored,” stated Vitalia Pavlichenko. According to her, the PNL invited all the important Romanian parties and a number of Moldovan public associations to the congress. The party will reelect the executive bodies and will adopt a statement in the form of a special brochure printed for the congress. All the materials are available on the Internet and those who want can submit proposals for improving the statutes and the program. According to Vitalia Pavlichenko, the PNL has about 10,000 members organized into local branches.
  • vitalia pavlicenco despre mesajul pe care pnl il vor transmite.mp3
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