Placement center in Bădiceni is in a deplorable state, MP Grigore Novac

The Temporary Placement Center for People with Disabilities in Bădiceni village o Soroca district is in a deplorable condition. MP Grigore Novac, chairman of the Commission on Human Rights and Interethnic Relations, said that the members of the parliamentary commission, together with representatives of the Ombudsman’s Office, paid a visit to the center after information about the condition of this appeared in the public space, IPN reports.

The former director and also some of the employees allegedly exploited a number of beneficiaries of the center, including those with disabilities, through work during several years. Although investments were made in extensive repair works, according to Novac, the repairs were only cosmetic and some of the rooms are in a disastrous stater.

The actions are being examined by criminal investigation bodies. The former director and two employees are under investigation.

"According to information provided by the law enforcement agencies, two people are in remand detention and one person is under house arrest," said the parliamentarian.

These visits are part of the Commission on Human Rights and Interethnic Relations’ 2025 parliamentary scrutiny action plan.

"The Government, the state institutions must more actively monitor the placement centers in order to counteract  such criminal actions in relation to the beneficiaries of the centers," pointed out Grigore Novac.

The institutions concerned have not yet reacted to MP Grigor Novac’s statements.

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