PL calls on voters to participate in elections

The Liberal Party (PL) calls upon the Moldovan people to take part in the July 29 early polls “in order to free Moldova from communism”. At a news conference held in open air on Wednesday, the party’s leaders said that the coming elections will be a test of political maturity for the citizens, Info-Prim Neo reports. “The people will have to choose between freedom and dictatorship. Today Moldova is in a situation similar to that from the Soviet period, when everybody worked for a single party,” the PL president Mihai Ghimpu said. He urged the voters to bring the Communist dictatorship to an end as it took hold of all the institutions of the state. The vice president of the PL Corina Fusu sent the same message. She accused the representatives of the Communist Party (PCRM) of being unable to have a dialogue with the society, of ignoring European organizations’ calls and of contributing to more Moldovans going abroad due to poverty. Dorin Chirtoaca, another vice president of the party, said that Moldova’s independence is not due to the PCRM. “The PL had four representatives in the first Parliament of Moldova that voted for this country’s independence and sovereignty, while the Communists then were against the signing of the declaration of independence,” he said, adding that the PL goes from person to person, from house to house, from village to village to tell the people the truth about the April 7 elections. According to the member of the PL Standing Bureau Ana Gutu, the Liberal Party regards Moldova’s sovereignty and independence as elements that ensure the dialogue, including with the ethnic and religious minorities in Moldova. Her statement came as a reply to the accusations that the PL, alongside other Opposition parties, does not observe the rights of the minorities in Moldova made recently by the PCRM. In the same connection, another vice president of the PL Anatol Salaru called on the voters to go to the polls in the name of the parents that remained without the children, the children that remained without the parents and those that were beaten and tortured by the Communist government. Ion Hadarca, who takes the eleventh position in the PL’s ticket, said that the PCRM lives its last days.

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