Petrenco files lawsuit over decision to field Harunjen for prosecutor general

The head of the Party “Our Home – Moldova” Grigore Petrenco filed a lawsuit over the Superior Council of Prosecutors’ decision to suggest Eduard Harunjеn for the post of prosecutor general, IPN reports.

The politician told a news conference that he did this before he found out about the signing of the presidential decree to appoint Eduard Harunjеn as prosecutor general. He considers the contest held to choose the candidate for the post of chief of the Prosecutor General’s Office was a farce.

According to Petrenco, all those who applied and took part in the contest are servants of the government. The ex-MP noted the contest was held in the absence of regulations and the provisions concerning transparency weren’t fully observed. For example, he found out that the candidates had a polygraph test post factum, from press releases.

Petrenco expressed his conviction that no polygraph test was actually taken when it is not known who staged this, what equipment was used and what questions and answers were put and given.

The politician also said that President Nicolae Timofti hurried, as in the case of the investing of the Filip Government, to sign the decree on the appointment of Eduard Harunjen as prosecutor general.

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