PDM should step out of AEI agreement to offer its colleagues another political manoeuvre, analyst

The Alliance is a hostage of its own agreements concluded in December 2010, believes political analyst Viorel Cibotaru. "The Alliance is paralysed by the decision of Marian Lupu. According to the AEI agreement, the right to put up the candidate was assigned to DPM. I do not see DPM hurrying or trying to identify another candidate but Marian Lupu. Neither Ghimpu, nor Filat can identify another candidate instead of the Democratic Party (PDM). The DPM should step out of the AEI agreement to offer its colleagues another political manoeuvre,” the analyst has told Info-Prim Neo. Viorel Cibotaru believes that the January 15 elections may fail due to a number of reasons. Moreover, the Constitutional Court might invalidate the December 16 elections. The negotiations have not started yet in Parliament. Only some opinions were exchanged in an attempt to find a platform for the eventual negotiations. "As for the negotiations within the AEI, the situation is a bit clearer. The leaders of AEI components have discussed a number of scenarios and have negotiated the solutions of these scenarios. All of them welcome the willingness of the PCRM to negotiate or discuss,” mentioned the analyst. Viorel Cibotaru considers that the AEI agreement and its annexes represent the major problem of the Alliance. "The agreement is still in force and the governing principles agreed upon are still valid. How will the roles be shared by the administration? Who will be "responsible" for nominating candidates for the President? Will Mr. Lupu remain Speaker or will he give up this position to Mihai Ghimpu? There are plenty of totally unclear issues and politicians are not bothering to shed light over them. Unless these issues are clarified, it is very difficult to analyse and forecast how the MPs will vote," stated the analyst. According to Viorel Cibotaru, the parties follow their own agenda, which are still far from the citizens' agenda - to have a President. "In my vision, the PCRM entered into these discussions and changed its tactic by 180 degrees to motivate its supporters to put up their own candidate. This is what motivates the PCRM to enter into a formal dialogue. Now they seem much more constructive. The PCRM is afraid that the alliance will use non-participation or failure to field a candidate as a trick to delay endlessly the election of the President with the only purpose to maintain their position in the office," added the analyst. Leaders of the parliamentary groups of the AEI and the PCRM met on January 9 to discuss the election of the President. As reported after the discussion, the start is good, but they still have to ponder over the issues discussed and will continue the dialogue. January 12 is the deadline for the nomination of candidates for the President of the country. The Parliament will try to elect the President on January 15. No candidate was put forward yet.
  • viorel cibotaru despre acordul alianþei.mp3
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