PDM: It was clear from the start that reformation of party will meet with opposition  

The Democratic Party (PDM) is determined to complete the reformation process and to learn from the mistakes of the past by creating mechanisms that can prevent any manifestations able to undermine the activity of the party as a political organization. It was clear from the start that the reformation of the party will meet with sufficient opposition on the part of elements that promoted and applied practices foreign to democracy in party work, says a statement of the PDM that is quoted by IPN.

The party noted it was also clear that those who will not support the return to normality will remain outside the processes. “Time showed that those who weren’t used to fighting democratically chose to remain outside the party,” runs the statement.

The PDM said that it went through an unfavorable period the last few years during which internal democracy was dramatically reduced or even annihilated. The statutory bodies were neglected in the decision-making process, in the best case being informed post-factum about the taken decisions. The whole decision-making construct was replaced by a narrow group constituted around the former party’s leader.

According to the statement, the use of intimidation and harassment practices and, sometimes, of the law enforcement agencies in the fight against political opponents and inconvenient persons was the most serious aspect. Party switching at the local and national levels was promoted systemically and this weakened not only the party’s doctrinaire foundations, but also the foundations of a democratic society.

The Democratic Party condemns such “abusive practices” and warns that they continue to be used by former colleagues who recently founded the so-called platform “Pro-Moldova”.

“The Democratic Party understands that these not only benefit from “financial assistance” of a dubious origin, but also try to implement the old subversive tools to achieve their political goals,” reads the statement.

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