PCRM’s request to convene Parliament rejected

The Parliament’s Standing Bureau rejected the Communist Party’s request to call a sitting of the legislature within three days, arguing the party presented an application with 23 signatures, to which it attached 11 signatures sent by fax from China, the leader of the Liberal-Democratic parliamentary group Valeriu Strelet has told Info-Prim Neo. “All the members of the Bureau attending agreed that a dangerous precedent may be set if they accept the application as somebody may want to vote by fax later,” said Valeriu Strelet. He informed that no member on behalf of the PCRM was present at the meeting of the Standing Bureau, while the two representatives of the party attending do not have the status of members of the Bureau. On September 8, the PCRM submitted an application, asking convening a special sitting of Parliament. A part of the signatories of the application are now on a visit to China as part of a delegation of the PCRM. Earlier this week, the Liberal Democratic Party also requested calling an extraordinary sitting of the legislative body, where to discuss the raider attacks made on four banks in Chisinau and to question representatives of law enforcement bodies.

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